Product Update

Introducing Employee Training Tracker

Jul 17, 2020
min read

We heard you. Employee training tracking isn’t fun – it’s another spreadsheet, a bunch of calendar reminders, and missing reports. 

But it’s still important. When employee training isn't tracked, it can lead to compliance issues, a lack of employee accountability, and incomplete training.

That's why we built a brand new Humi module – Employee Training Tracker! 

With this new module, you'll be able to track and store employee training information, all while keeping employees accountable to complete the training.

You'll see the new module on your side navigation bar as its own button, as well as in employee profiles. Every employee can also see their own training programs.

So let’s get into the nitty-gritty. What can you exactly do with this new module?

With Employee Tracking Tracker, you can now:

  • Store employee training information: expiration date, instructor, hours, credits, cost, and results on a per training basis
  • Keep track of the status of both recurring and one-time trainings
  • Assign employee training right from the employee onboarding flow
  • Get notified when a training is about to expire
  • Send reminders to employees when a training needs to be done
  • Upload files to attach to a completed training
  • Create and export employee training reports

With Employee Training Tracker, your employees can now: 

  • Complete training on their own, depending on the rules you set
  • Receive reminders about upcoming trainings 
  • View their training data
  • Upload and attach files to a completed training

If you’d like to see a step-by-step walkthrough of how to use this new module, visit our support library.

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About the Author
Sarah ClareSarah Clare

Product Manager at Humi

Laying the legal foundation: HR & Employment Law for business success
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